Vince was disappointed and, as he exited the conference room, one of the manufacturing personnel commented to Vince, “Don’t you know that the manufacturing people usually go to lunch around 11:00 a.m.?” Vince came up with a plan for the next team meeting.
Author: Hajar Lie Madhat
Case: The Team Meeting
Vince was disappointed and, as he exited the conference room, one of the manufacturing personnel commented to Vince, “Don’t you know that the manufacturing people usually go to lunch around 11:00 a.m.?” Vince came up with a plan for the next team meeting.
Case: The Prima Donna
The grade 9 wants to do everything himself. He simply does not trust us. Every time we use certain equations to come up with a solution, he must review everything we did in microscopic detail. He has to approve everything.
Case: The Poor Worker
Frank continuously criticized Paula’s performance as a project manager and Frank’s attitude was beginning to affect the performance of some of the other team members. Frank was lowering the morale of the team. It was obvious that Paula had to take some action.
Case: McRoy Aerospace
Thanks for trying. But if I had to choose one of your co-workers to take another look at this project, who might have even half a chance of making it happen? Who would you suggest? I just want to make sure that we have left no stone unturned,” he said rather glumly. Mark’s words caught Jack by surprise.
Case: Payton Corporation
After the first weekly labor report was analyzed, it became evident that the development lab was spending $28.50 per hour. The project manager decided to discuss the problem with the manager of the development lab.
Case: Quantum Telecom
Both project managers were still advocating the cancellation of the projects, and the situation was getting worse. Yet, in order to “save face” within the corporation, both sponsors allowed the projects to continue to completion.
Case: Haller Specialty Manufacturing
To get closer to the customer, Haller implemented project management. Unfortunately, the vice president for manufacturing would not support project management for fear of a loss of power and authority.
Case: Apache Metals, Inc.
In the past, there has not been enough emphasis on project management. At one time, Apache even assigned trainees to perform project coordination. All failed miserably. At one point, sales dropped to an all-time low, and cost overruns averaged 20– 25 percent per production line.
Case: Macon, Inc.
Macon, a tire test equipment company, faced internal departmental conflicts, particularly between its engineering and production teams. As a result, customers began overseeing Macon’s deliverables directly. The president acknowledged the urgent need for enhanced project management, but the solution remained uncertain.